miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark.

Hello fellow of Cyberspace, today I want to talk about my experience with the new operating system of Ubuntu version 17.10, I will start with the changes, the things that I liked and the ones that did not, without further more let star


This new version has great changes one of the most notable is that it no longer uses Unity and Canonical's ideas of convergence that never came. With this version it is clear to us that Ubuntu wants to go back to GNOME, something that I personally like. Us you can expect this new changes are not for everyone's taste, social media have been very busy on the subject in addition to having proposed other ideas such as; KDE, Mate or never to see Unity left, but it never rains to everyone's taste.

You can see that GNOME has improved a lot over the years, we all know that it is not the lightest environment, but it is very functional and flexible so you get used to it quickly. What has surprised me in this Ubuntu 17.10 is how fluid it is in a computer with very few resources, or with very used processors.

-Other details:

The convenience offered by Ubuntu to install packages is superior.

The system starts immediately.

The animations of the icons and when starting applications I liked it a lot.

The changes when installing Apps from the store are very efficient and is one of the best in a long time.

I was surprised at the speed at which the Snap packages are installed.

Unified calendar, clock and notification center which will allow us to be very organized, we also have control of what applications can use the notifier.

I know there is the new graphics call Wayland, I do not see any difference, when it comes to using multimedia or different windows, but it works very well.

Rhythmbox looks better.

The control center is more intuitive.

GDM is our new section start manager, very comfortable and focused on multi-users.

Intelligence transparencies are a great change and have versatility.

-What I do not like:

It does not have extended support.

Canonical has given a very personal touch but trying to make the transition from Unity as uncomfortable as possible, something not very nice.

Some personalization options have been removed.

Highly recommended that this new version be installed as a new one since the updates will leave us down.

It has given me problems synchronizing my account.

Wayland has given me problems with some games.

When you open many tabs in browsers, the system slows down.

My recommendation is to wait for the version 18.06 is going to become more robust and will have extended support just have to wait to open 2018.

I hope you liked it there, till next time.

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