miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

Réquiem por un campesino español- Ramón José Sender Garcés

Requiem for a Spanish Peasant, tries to reflect what happened in a village in Aragon during the coup of Miguel Primo de Rivera and Orbaneja that took place on September 13 de 1923-1925 or the Spanish Civil War, which happen on 1936. Since the writer does not specify, you have to imagine.

Try to manifest how was lived those days when there were Republic and what happened when the new republic callus under the command of the military and its repression.

The novel begins when a priest named Mosen Millan, will celebrate a Mass for the dead, which was for him as a child, the writer tells the reader through memory of Mosen Millan, as was the late Peter from the mill, from his childhood to his own whipping. All this while the faithful are arrive to the Requiem Mass. While he is analyzing if hes nearby had set a positive or negative effect.

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