martes, 17 de julio de 2012

What is doubt?

The doubt is what enables us to understand what we are, as getting lost, highlights the path of philosophy and reason, with these inspiration partners! We can understand our existence or what is surrounds us, set the line that separates the reality of unreality...

The doubt is what allows human beings to know themselves and is what makes us human, because, without the doubt, we will be only the animated object of other reason and not our own, is what consent that faith is to not be blind, but with knowledge.

We all fear the doubt as if it were a disease, when in fact it is the cure to the disease ... But as with everything in life, an abuse of the doubt only lead to the labyrinth of our minds, to not lose the reason and be able to leave off the labyrinth is necessary to follow the thread of philosophy and reason with them we may end up victorious as Theseus, not to forget the basic rule of doubt always have to destroy the doubt as the Minotaur...

A life "in doubt" is a lost life, a life "with doubt" is the path to knowledge...

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