sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Man's Search for Meaning-Viktor E. Frankl

Title of the book: Man's Search for Meaning

Original title: Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen. Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager

Author's name: Viktor E. Frankl

ISBN: 84-254-2331-7

Original language: German

Genre: Essay , speech therapy,  psychology

Editorial: Beacon Press

Years editions 1946

Year of Reading: 2016

Additional Information:
This book was   recommended to me by   my sister   Azahar

Summary of the book:

This book explores the lives of people who were taken to German concentration camps during World War 2, dare the experiences of the writer and his vision as a psychologist.
In this book, I found two different types of responses:
One of my questions was always as psychologically affected people, I have no doubt that it was not a pleasant thing, but all the books I've read so far are more focused on the atrocities of the fields, ignore or set aside the psychological reaction people who lived it.

My second question is how you recover from something out, while staying in these fields you've been suffering from a psychological war to make you a waste, while the world when you come back is broken, your loved ones and the people you know they are dead or missing.

In this book we find those answers, it is divided into two main chapters one that relates how were the years spent going from one field to another, as was the food, clothing, transport, describes the disease and how he survived against all possibilities, something that assured that let him with the question of what I am on this planet. This chapter is very easy to lose faith in the human race it is also depressing.
The second chapter is a psychological test, with different approaches that advises to use not only with people who have survived extreme situations like concentration camps and war. But, as well with our everyday situations.
Throughout the whole book, he is exposing the human need to have a goal in life, for that imaginary target, it will be the support, we need when we are suffering an adverse and difficult situation in our lives.

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