jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

Darksiders: The Abomination Vault by Ari Marmell

Title of the book: Darksiders: The Abomination Vault

Original title:
Darksiders: The Abomination Vault

Author's name: Ari Marmell

ISBN: 0345534026

Original language: English

Genre: Fiction, Action, Adventure, Fantasy and Games

Editorial: Del Rey

Years editions 2012

Year of Reading: 2016

Additional Information:
This book belongs to a collection, I recommend that you read.

Summary of the book:

This book tries to be a clarification or explanation of how it has come to events or curren in Darksiders and Darksiders II, so it can be defined as a kind of genesis.

Logically the characters are the riders of the Apocalypse, especially Death and War. Death has been absent for 500 years (this leaves a big question who was responsible for their work all this time?) On his return, he is dedicated to decorate hes world (one of many of this literary universe) directing a simi intelligent creatures and automata. When he recei a no friendly visit Panoptos (A new species of something more intelligent creature and automaton serving blindly the Council Charred) this brings orders of the Council, to investigate an ambush that has suffered a phalanx of the best soldiers of white city, on the border with the garden of Eden. This matter is very serious because it can break the fragile peace that exists between heaven and hell.

The first thing he does is go to investigate what happened, his first surprise is to see that the place where happened the ambush has not corpses or large traces of a battle. Death found a corpse of an angel, Death uses his techniques of necromancy to question the dead angel, during the interrogation, Death is attacked during the assault he discovers that everything is an illusion, using by these angels as defense technique. The angels are uncooperative with Death, but what is clear is that they were waves of humanoids simi intelligent automata and that they were using a weapon of the Nephilim, one of the oldest breeds that were eradicated by Death, this new information worried to Death, because all these weapons were stored in the vault of the Abomination, who he was one of the few who knew where it was.

Death decides to visit the kingdoms of Crowfather, trying not to be noticed, to his surprise, this kingdom is being attacked by waves of humanoids of unknown origin.

So Death and Crowfather join efforts to stop the advance of the enemy, once this is done, Crowfather uses her earrings to revive these humanoids at the same time that Death invokes his spirit for information of who controls them. The information obtained from this being is confirming the worst fears of Death someone wanted to revive the arms of the abomination and Belisatra was who was after controlling everything. But who is this Belisatra?

Death decides to go talk in the Council and meets the other riders of the Apocalypse, to explain the seriousness of the situation and the origin of the vault of the Abomination, once realized this and clarified a problem of authority with the Council. Death is ordered to continue to investigate.

Thanks to the investigations of Death, it is discovered that Belisatra was an apprentice to Gulbannan who was killed a few years ago. Moreover, Gulbannan had been a lover of Lilith. So Death, decides to visit Lilith, in his kingdom Hell!

The encounter between Death and Lilith is not friendly and Death gets very little information.

Death manages to find Belisatra and tries to stop with the help of War, but suffered an ambush by demons, Belisatra uses the chaos to escape.

Death took the War to the planet Ravaiim where he knows Hadrimon and Belisatra would recover the necessary ingredients to awaken the power of the Great abominations, which is the blood of the Ravaiim. Here they are attacked and the angels of the White city are coming to aid Death and War.

The Council reports that there was a new attack but this time they have used one of the weapons of the Abomination, Death concludes silence that they are providing their collection systems of Ravaiim blood.

This leads to a great war that occur several battles through various fields.

Death in the end find out who is managing the conflict since it began, but that information I will not tell you... You have to read the book.

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