martes, 6 de abril de 2010

The Mighty Orinoco- Jules Verne

Original title: Le Superbe Orénoque.

It all begins when the library of the University of Ciudad Bolivar three geographers called: Michael, Felipe and Varinas, decide to end the discussion on the path of the Orinoco, and decide to search for the birth Orinoco, to the exploration join the Sergeant Martial and his nephew Jean De Kermo, search for the father of Jean, who fourteen years before self-exile from France to Venezuela, for personal reasons.

Later they were joined by two French and one botanical other Hunter, Jacques Helloch, Germain Paterne respectively who fulfilled a request from the French Minister of Public Instruction. For Orinoco wildlife explore.

These trace the Orinoco in a skinny because a ship can not pass, there is little depth in the course from San Fernando de Apure, the adventure is present throughout all history:

First against the adversities of climate, the river, animals and all kinds of insects.

Second diseases tiredness or boredom.

Third, the repeated attacks of the Indians called quivas, coming from Colombia, and are led by Alfaniz, how escapee from prison in Caracas, a bloody ruthless and cruel. Which it maintains a major offensive to members of the expedition, as well as with the missionary named Father Esperante living in the sources of the Orinoco.

Plus other surprises that history is revealed to us.

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