sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Observation of the Moon

The other night I went to do some pictures to the moon to prove filters and configuration
I leave you with some photos

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

An Antarctic Mystery- Julio Verne

Original title: An Antarctic Mystery

Author Name: Jules Gabriel Verne
ISBN: 0008166773

Original Language: French

Genre: Lost World, adventure novel, fantasy, travel novel and adventure novel at sea

Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group

Current year of publication: 1999

Year of reading: 2017

Additional Information:

This book is in memory of Edgar Allan Poe. I advise reading first the story written by him with the title The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. To understand, this book is a continuation.

Summary of the work:

The story begins when Jerking is in the Kerguelen islands in a geographical study completed a few months ago and awaiting the arrival of a ship to take passage in it, so the August 7 morning comes Goleta Halberne led by Len Guy to It was accustomed not take passengers, but a conversation with Jeorling makes him change his mind at the thought that he could meet Arturo Gordon Pyn in Virginia. But as for Jeorling is not real history narrated by Edgar Allan Poe. In his book; The Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym, for Captain has all the basics of reality. Because of Goleta Jane and Captain William Guy, who appears in the book. It is none other than his brother who disappeared on the same date.

With the passage in Goleta direction of Puerto Prince Edward, during the trip no incident rather than an iceberg off the port with a corpse inside that is discovered during melting thereof, the captain ordered his collection when in Goleta Bridge, Captain Patterson recognizes that it is the second of the Jane. Containing a diary in your pocket with blurred letters that could be read as follows:

Dragged from the June 3 in North Island Tsalas ... There is still ... Captain William Guy and five of the crew of the Jane ... The Iceberg ... From June 13 ... exhausted my last resort ... Today June 16, will die.

With this message Captain

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Thought for the Day -Malevolence

Inside every person's heart is a bad thought. If we call that malevolence, then it exists in me too. The concept of malevolence is so great that I can not know if one day my mind can comprehend it, there are many questions and the answers are not clear.
For example, if I do harm to one evil person, to save many others, is that a malevolent act?
Do we all embrace malevolence the moment we admit the existence of a necessary evil, for a greater good?
Maybe it's not fair to ask these questions, we are imperfect people doing the best we can, perhaps the truth is that humans may need to face malevolence every day, so we recognize our weaknesses so as a consequence we can grow and do better.