jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2020

A Farewell to 2020

Even when the economic crisis of 2008 warned us, we did not want to listen. This year 2020 has shown us again the devastating effects of our decision to have given total freedom to our Ego, false glory, excessive individualism, greed and avarice for so long in our society. In addition to continuing to make the mistake of listening and empowering people who give discourses of disunity and division among us, through class warfare, foster hatred to any races or through religious intolerance.

The question we have to ask ourselves is what is the world we want to leave to the next generation...

A world where national pride is valued more than the value of human life.

A world in which it is possible to reach any corner in less than two days, but we were unable to bring medical equipment to our hospitals.

A world where it is possible to produce more than what humanity can ever consume, we run out of cleaning products, in order to justify raising prices and making a profit of $1 more.

A world where we are all affected by the Pandemic, but we deny the scientific evidence of it is existence.

A world that has shown us how all educational systems have failed, even when all the information is in the cloud.

Don't get me wrong, there have also been great achievements in 2020, but they have only happened after everything has been broken down and that is not the right way to prepare for the challenges we have as members of the Human race.

The resolution that we should all have for 2021; It is to stop living only for the moment and start planning a righteous and better-prepared future for all the beings who share this fragile house we called Earth.

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