miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020

The Winter Wonderland Event 2

The Winter Wonderland Event introduces a new set of challenges, new rewards, and new ways to explore Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition in the final weeks of 2020! You'll be able to return each day to complete new challenges and unlock new rewards, so be sure to grab the latest update and get started right away!

Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer game as the French in the Arctic Territories map.

Unlock and keep the new Winter Wonderland Holiday Map.

Note that you will need to restart your game for the mod to work properly.

Note that installing the Winder Wonderland mod will result in un-modded lobbies not displaying in the lobby browser. You will need to manually disable the mod to view all un-modded lobbies.

Win any Single Player Skirmish game on the Winter Wonderland Holiday Map.

Unlocks the Red Monster Truck Filled with Presents profile icon.

Win a 1v1 Single Player Skirmish game against Hard AI on the Winter Wonderland Holiday Map.

Unlocks Red Nose Capybara profile icon. 

Play a Single Player or Multiplayer King of the Hill game.

Unlocks Old Coot with a Confetti Cannon profile icon.

The Winter Wonderland map is a twist on an old favourite:

“During these festive times, players find themselves in a beautiful snow valley surrounding a frozen lake. A single circular trade route runs around the map. This map is filled with presents, decorated Christmas trees, and with reindeer and moose to fit the occasion.”

I get all of them 

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