sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

Around the Moon- Julio Verne

Original title: Autour de la Lune.

Is the continuation of The Moon Travel wing where Barbicanne Impey, Michel Ardan, Nochll. Into the bullet or racing car that would take them to the moon with all its equipment that Michel Ardan swelled with animals than anyone expected, but during the trip ran into a meteor that diverted them a few degrees preventing their landing that turned them on Moon when they completed their circumference discovering that you can not not-had inhabited water etc. And there was more that they were going to die in this state at the last minute decided to change your route on the moon falling but could be because when you turn on the rocket base the ship turned towards the earth with his incredible speed setting that would survive entry into the
atmosphere should fall into the water would shatter.

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